This might sound apocalyptic, but there are many cases today of companies over reaching or removing content without even verifying it is in fact infringing. Now add to that SOPA which would block IPs, poison DNS records, require removal from search results and basically remove any content for any reason without ANY OVERSIGHT OR VERIFICATION. Someone simply has to accuse you of something and your business, your likelihood, your opinion will be wiped clean. This will ruin small businesses and mean only large companies with the ability to sue other large companies will survive.
Don't believe me? Do a search for and read about it. They were taken down a year ago (without SOPA) and had no recourse to get their business back until the government just decided to release it.
- How a Music Site Disappeared for a Year (NY Times)
- DHS abruptly abandons copyright seizure of hip-hop blog (C|NET)
- Universal music files fraudulent copyright complaints with YouTube, censors pro-Megaupload song (Boing Boing)
- Tech News Today blocked for commenting on Megaupload video (+Tom Merritt)
Regardless of what you thing about copyright law and piracy, allowing the government and large media companies to take down any content and sites without any judicial oversight does not make any sense. This is something out of science fiction stories depicting overreaching government and corporation control. This cannot be left alone. Please contact your elected officials and speak out against SOPA and Internet Censorship. Stop American Censorship ( has great tools that make this seamless and easy, as does the Electronic Frontier Foundation (
This is not just an attack on the internet, but our entire American Culture!